
The policies may change any time without notice.

No identifiable data is shared with third parties, unless such data transfer is initiated by the user, required to combat abuse, or operationally necessary.

Some services require the use of first-party cookies and/or local storage, which are required to provide the service (such as remembering user preferences) and are not collected by anyone. None of the services employ third-party cookies.

The services are hosted on one or more Virtual Private Servers (VPS) in Germany by STRATO AG. Due to technical and legal reasons, the host-provider may have access to logfiles and other user data.

Access Logs

Unless otherwise noted below, the access.log, containing your IP address, timestamp, path, and User-Agent, is retained for a maximum of 14 days. The logs are used to combat abuse, debug, and collect aggregated usage statistics, using the tracking traffic, not people approach. These aggregate statistics are typically visible under the traffic.* domains (see sections below).

Besides Access Information, no information of site visitors are collected. No cookies are set and no data is shared with anyone.

Besides Access Information, no information of site visitors are collected. No cookies are set and no data is shared with anyone.

Shows aggregate information from visitors on

Besides Access Information, no information of site visitors are collected. No cookies are set and no data is shared with anyone.

Besides Access Information, no information of site visitors are collected. No cookies are set. Search input (GET requests) are not part of the logfiles and are neither stored nor visible to me. Due to the functionality of the service, user input is by design forwarded to third parties (the search engine the user chooses to adress).

Besides Access Information, no information of site visitors are collected. No cookies are set and no data is shared with anyone.

Shows aggregate information from visitors on (this does NOT include search requests!).

Besides Access Information, no information of site visitors are collected. Unless logged in, no cookies are set and no data is shared with anyone.

Besides Access Information, no information of site visitors are collected. No cookies are set and no data is shared with anyone.

Besides Access Information, no information of site visitors are collected. No cookies are set and no data is shared with anyone.

Shows aggregate information from visitors on

Besides Access Information, no information of site visitors are collected.

Besides Access Information, no information of site visitors are collected.